Saturday 4 January 2014

140104 Some of my recent Tweets


  1. On Modi as strong PM material, for Manmohan "presiding over mass murder is not sign of strength - Modi as PM wud b disaster"
  2. Corruption: People in glass houses beware of throwing stones at another's house: Christ said "May the one with no sin cast the first stone"!
  3. Fork-tongued BJP deserves to be condemned for re-induction of tainted Yeddi into its ranks again. Shame! ...Shame!!!!
  4. Don't be taken in by Congress's support to save AAP in the Trust vote - political expediency is not sole reason for Congress action!
  5. Will the Nation have the integrity to give ManMohan his due despite a condemnable BJP's crusade to sully his name... !?
  6. HarshVardhan's speech against 'confidence' motion in DelhiAssembly shd b 'black' paper benchmark for AAP to guard against in days to come
  7. It's pathetic to watch Arnab denigrating himself with clips specially chosen to showcase himself at the year-end round-up. Shame... !!
  8. Took one tiny executive order to end red beacon VIP culture - unlike supreme court's who saved it for its own judges too. Shame on you, SC !
  9. Kejri does well by restricting red beacons only to emergency vehicles of police, ambulance and fire brigade.
  10. GeorgeCardinalAlenchery traveled in auto y'day for betrothal reception of Supreme Court Justice Kurian Joseph's daughter. Aam Aadmi Priest ?
  11. Modi breaks silence after 12yrs on 2002 Riots & Arnab jumps like a cat on a hot tin roof - wants others to do so too! Ridiculous!
  12. his rhetoric with high claims of "kar ke dikaoonga" his motto, needs to be supported - to see who has the last laugh.
  13. Everyone knows why BJP's NirmalaSeetharaman is getting worked up over an enquiry being set up into the SnoopGate !!!
  14. Irrational trafic privileges around US Embassy against established rules&norms was wrong! My objections then as tfc chief were overruled
  15. A wrong's been set right by removing road barricades around US Embassy in Delhi. Pl don't buckle down again if & when relations normalise
  16. Lovelorn suitors now beware when u declare your love or propose marriage to the opposite sex lest u b charged with unwelcome sexual abuse.
  17. Whatever the confusing & distressing poll-predictions, I still believe in the sagacity of the Indian people.
  18. Shocking!! : watched the programme "Looting MNREGA" in BJP's MadhyaPradesh - on Headlines Today
  19. Amazing how gutless guttersnipes hide behind pseudonyms & disguise on twitter for being uncivil, foul & offensive...
  20. Lata Mangeshkar wants to see Modi as PM. What else is expected of me, if f I have invited M to honour my late father's memory!
  21. please do if u can! U won't, since for centuries chu money gave u education health + dictionaries for every Indian language!
  22. What pathetic state we have come to! Does Sheila really need Rahul's endorsement?
  23. 100Cr for Kanpur, 100Cr for Patna. Is it just feku's propaganda? If true, where's the money coming from? Are EC & IT dept watching?
  24. No one in the Congress with guts to call a spade a spade? That RG is just not leader material? Totally juvenile with dimwit IQ, no charisma.

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