2010 : Happy New Year to all...........
The New Year of 2010 is on us... and after hectic all-night partying to usher in the new year, we are just about surfacing to an eggs and bacon/ blueberry pancakes and syrup breakfast slurped in with some aromatic freshly-brewed-in coffee... Indira and Manish who didn't hit their pillows till past 5:30 in the morning, are yet to surface....
Despite the glorious snowfall that did threaten to throw a spanner into the party works, almost all made it to Indira and Manish's new year's eve party... the only regrets coming in from Heike & Fernando because of their month old baby... and from Shalini's family from New Jersey. But Bullubai and Bavoji with Maria Errol and family/ as also Palvi & Pavan from even more distant NJ made it in time, and so did Meera & Ted from Poughkeepsie... and all others too from distant and nearer places. The Tamilian caterer produced gourmet Indian and western food with also his melting in the mouth kababs and snacks, fries and curries, pulaos and daals, tandoori naans and mouth-watering baturas, gulab-jamoons and caramel custard.... mmm mmmm mm mnn mnnnnnn.. nnn......
Flowing drinks, champagne and wine, martinis, margaritas, single malts and tequila, great music, and crazy dancing........ bonhomie, comaraderie.... speeches and sentiment - Manish & Indira's Kolkata wedding reminiscences; engagement wishes to Sonal & Keith too.... finally, salute to the year gone by and bated anticipation and hopes for a great and super 2010.......
Relaxed recalling and post-mortem of the party over breakfast by house inmates.. and all others that slept over too -- Merra/Ted, Carl/Marissa/Peter.. & Sheila and canine Janie too... much undoubtedly to the cat protest meaows from a traumatised Raani who had refused to surface throughout the noisy night, one cannot fail to mention. And definitely not to forget the sighting of the wild deer at the windows that greeted our waking moments....
I believe it is a good start to 2010... !!!!!!!!!!!
Off to church now, with Meera & Ted.... and whoever else is ready to go with us...